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European Union Project Meeting

Within the scope of the EU project entitled "Circular Economy Innovative Initiative in Textiles for an Entrepreneurial Europe" (CITE) in which the Computer Application and Research Center (BUYAMER) is also part of the project consortium, a kick-off workshop was held in Aachen, Germany between 29-30 September 2022. In the context of the workshop attended by teams from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Romania and Turkey, recycling processes were evaluated in detail, especially through training content, knowledge triangle, digital transformation and digital product codes, and the steps to be taken and innovative ideas were discussed. After the project kick-off meeting hosted by RWTH Aachen University in Germany, Maastricht University in the Netherlands was also visited. Prof. Dr. Bekir KAYACAN, Coordinator of the International Project Office and also the project coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖVENÇ, Director of BUYAMER, Dr. Nevzat GÜNGÖR from the Faculty of Business Administration and Betül PİŞKİN, Research Assistant from the Faculty of Economics attended the project meeting on behalf of Istanbul University.
